Hot, mineral-rich fluid flows out of a large hydrothermal vent at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. Credit: Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
ROV Yogi’s temperature probe is visible as the camera focuses on a
large filamentous bacterial mat at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. Credit: Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
One of the many unique geological features at the bottom of
Yellowstone Lake. It’s formation layers are clearly visible. Credit: Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
ROV Yogi’s manipulator arm is used to measure the temperature of hot,
mineral-rich fluid flowing out of a large hydrothermal vent at the
bottom of Yellowstone Lake. Credit: Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
Hollow pipes, some several feet in height, were found rising up from
the lake bottom. It is thought that these are the old plumbing systems
of now dormant geysers. Credit: Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
Creatures can feed off of the hot, mineral-
rich fluid seeping from these features. A colony of hydroids can be
seen here. Credit: Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration
Electrical engineer and ROV pilot Dave Wright gives a thumbs up to
rock samples he collected with ROV Yogi at the bottom of Yellowstone
Credit: Daniel R. Rogers, GFOE
ROV Yogi looks out at Yellowstone Lake from the deck of R/V Annie
just before a dive to the bottom of the Lake. Credit: Daniel R. Rogers, GFOE