Dr. Chris Taylor is a lead scientist with the Habitat Mapping Team of the Biogeography Branch in NOAAs National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science. His research team uses scuba and remotely operated or autonomous vehicles with underwater remote sensing technologies such as acoustics and optics to identify understand the distribution of marine animals and to identify sensitive seafloor habitats and assess their ecological value in marine ecosystems. Outcomes from this research guides the planning for uses of the coastal ocean such as siting of offshore energy development, determines effectiveness and design of marine protected areas, and aides in the exploration of remote ocean environments. His team conducts research on shipwrecks and rocky reefs offshore North Carolina, coral reefs of Florida, pinnacles and coral banks of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, and as far south as Antarctica. Conveying scientific information to coastal community stakeholders and the general public is a core component of NCCOS’s mission. Taylor and his team have developed data visualization and interactive mapping techniques that make complicated scientific data more accessible. Chris received his Masters and PhD in Zoology from North Carolina State University and his BS in Biology from University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. He lives in Morehead City, North Carolina with his wife and colleague in NOAA, Dr. Larisa Avens.